Transform Your Life workshops and individual sessions may cover any of the following:
Your beliefs and where they come from.
Integrating positive affirmations into our life.
Your inner child - understand our actions, clear and heal blocks.
Relationships - mirrors and our shadow self.
Emotions and thought processes.
Healing guilt, jealousy, anger and hurt.
Transform and heal your body.
Self love.
How to create change.
The Spiritual Laws and how to apply them positively.
Wealth, both spiritual and material.
Your souls purpose in this lifetime.
Do not allow fear and procrastination to hold you back, it is time to step into your power!
You have the power to create positive change in your life!
Other workshops and teachings:
Connecting with our higher self and intuition.
Understanding the chakras.
5th dimensional 14 chakra system activation.
The Spiritual Laws of Karma
The Spiritual Laws Creation, Prosperity, Success and Manifestation.
The Spiritual Laws of Purification.
The Spiritual Laws of Gratitude.
The Laws of Creation.
The Spiritual Laws of Blessings.
The Spiritual Laws of Grace and One.
The Gold and Silver Violet Flame and Cosmic Diamond Flame.
Awakening and Ascension.
Ascended Masters.
What to expect from a workshop
Each workshop will contain activities, visualisations, information and exercises based on the particular workshop topic to help you achieve your personal goal. During the workshop you may receive inner guidance or insight into a particular issue that you are experiencing, this may help you resolve issues and enable you to move forward with your personal life pathway. You will meet like minded individuals. All workshops are run in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere, ensuring the day is informative and filled with uplifting joy.
One to one Transform Your Life guidance
Each session is tailored to your individual needs to enable you to create positive change and live a life inline with your true potential. I have found it particularly beneficial to include healing as part of the sessions. Should you wish to book an individual Transform Your Life session please contact me for a no obligation chat.
We have a limited time on Earth, make every moment count and live a life in true authenticity! You have the power to transform your entire life, all you need to do is start the process of transformation!
All the Transform Your Life workshops are based upon the philosophy and teachings of Diana Cooper.
Full one day workshops from £70 per person
Half day workshops from £40 per p
One to one sessions £111 (75 minutes)
Contact Shelley Elana for more information on 07534 361749 or 01342 842725.